on Plastic Junk Food

Environmental impact is a hot topic forgovernments and corporations around the world. With the climate change debates, oil spills, and global disasters on the rise, it’s no wonder companies are trying their best to reduce waste, invest in environmentally friendly products, and educate their clients and customers, in hopes to contribute to a better, healthier planet.

THE BBC RELEASED A SHOCKING NEWS ARTICLE, June 2016, reporting that researchers have observed a terrible truth. Growing baby fish, in this particular case, Perch larvae, have been found to prefer “polystyrene”, a common plastic, over natural foods.

“Young fish become hooked on eating plastic in the seas in the same way that teenagers prefer unhealthy fast food, Swedish researchers have said.”
Matt McGrath, Environment correspondent @ BBC


The environmental impact might seem small, however, on a Global scale, plastic “polystyrene” micro-beads are weakening the genetics of these growing fish. As a result of their plastic consumption, these ocean creatures are smaller, weaker and more susceptible to predators than previous generations.

A recent study from Science magazine last year reported that an estimated eight million tonnes of plastic waste gets dumped into the ocean each year. Unless steps are taken to properly manage waste by 2025, the ocean could contain 1 ton of plastic for every 3 tones of fin-fish.

Every product counts, when it comes to reducing plastic waste, especially ones which enter the local water table.

Our WORX Biodegradable Hand Cleaner holds third-party certification as an environmentally-responsible product.

WORX Biodegradable Hand Cleaner is the first industrial hand cleaner certified to use the internationally recognized EcoLogo (Environmental Choice) and Green Seal symbols for environmental excellence.

To be certified, products must perform as well or better than any other product in their category, and be more environmentally responsible than their competitors.

Switching from a conventional hand cleaner, to industry certified products like Worx Hand Cleaner, will help the environment by reducing plastic waste. Let your customers know that your company cares about the environment, and the future.